MESA Summer School 2014
11 Aug 2014I’m in Santa Barbara, CA at the MESA Summer School. I’m a wandering TA, helping out with all the labs.
I’m in Santa Barbara, CA at the MESA Summer School. I’m a wandering TA, helping out with all the labs.
I’m in Vienna, Austria at Universität Wien presenting a poster entitled The Evolution of ONeMg Cores with MESA.
Frank Timmes has made a number of extremely useful astrophysical routines available on his website.
In order to ease my use of his helmholtz equation of state and neutrino loss rate compilation, I wrapped the fortran code and made some simple python modules.
You can find them at GitHub.
Thanks to Frank for giving me permission to post these.
org-protocol provides a way to capture information into org-mode from external sources, such as your browser. I like to be able to add TODO items related to webpages (e.g., something I want read at a later date).
Following the org-protocol guide I added the following bookmark in Chromium.
The ‘W’ indicates which template in org-capture-templates
should be
used and the other parts harvest the URL, page title, and any text I
may have selected. In this case, my capture template is
("W" "Web TODO" entry (file org-default-notes-file)
"* TODO %?\n%U\n%a\n")
I registered emacsclient to handle org-protocol links by creating a file at
with the following content.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Emacs Client
Exec=emacsclient -c -n %u
The -c
tells emacsclient to make a new frame for me. But I want to
make sure that I get a frame with one window (just the capture buffer)
and that once I finish the capture the frame will vanish. To achieve
that, I added the following to my org-mode configuration.
(defun jws/org-protocol-capture-p ()
"Return true if this capture was initiated via org-protocol."
(equal (buffer-name (org-capture-get :original-buffer)) " *server*"))
(defun jws/org-capture-after-finalize ()
"Delete frame if capture was initiated via org-protocol"
(if (jws/org-protocol-capture-p) (delete-frame)))
(defun jws/org-capture-initialize ()
"Make sure frame has only one window if capture was initiated via org-protocol"
(if (jws/org-protocol-capture-p) (delete-other-windows)))
(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'jws/org-capture-initialize)
(add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook 'jws/org-capture-after-finalize)
This semester I’m part of the teaching staff for a new Big Ideas course called Origins: From the Big Bang to the Emergence of Humans.
We’ve got a great teaching staff!
Charles, Eliot, Lucy, and myself spent part of the summer planning the curriculum. Genevieve and I will be teaching two discussion sections, with James and Liz teaching the other two.